European Doctors Orchestra - making music for a good cause
Who we are and what we do...
We are an orchestra made up of doctors from across Europe. We perform at least two public charity
concerts a year, aiming to promote the public's understanding in the performance and appreciation of music, and also to benefit other charity projects (usually related to health and

Our next Charity Concert - Unser nächstes Benefizkonzert:
VILCO - Die Stadthalle Bad Vilbel - Bad Vilbel Town Hall
Sunday 25 May 2025 at 17:00, Bad Vilbel, Germany
Conductor - Dirigent Yordan Kamdzhalov
Yordan Kamdzhalov was born in Bulgaria and comes from a musical family. Already as a child he received lessons in piano as well as ballet and singing. He studied
conducting in Sofia and at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. He deepened his skills in master classes with renowned conductors such as Simon Rattle, Daniel Barenboim and others.
Kamdzhalov has conducted leading orchestras worldwide, including the Philharmonic Orchestra London and the Deutsche Symphonieorchester Berlin. He has been general music director in Heidelberg and
has recieved many awards, including Opus Klassik and Echo Classic. The asteroid number 52292 has borne his name since 2014.
Yordan Kamdzhalov wurde in Bulgarien geboren und stammt aus einer musikalischen Familie. Bereits im Kindesalter erhielt er Unterricht am Klavier sowie in Ballett und Gesang. Er studierte Dirigieren in Sofia und an der Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. In Meisterkursen bei renommierten Dirigenten wie Simon Rattle, Daniel Barenboim u.a. vertiefte er sein Können. Kamdzhalov dirigierte weltweit führende Orchester, darunter das Philharmonic Orchestra London und das Deutsche Symphonieorchester Berlin. Er war Generalmusikdirektor in Heidelberg und wurde mit vielen Preisen ausgezeichnet, darunter Opus Klassik und Echo Klassik. Seit 2014 trägt der Asteroid Nr. 52292 seinen Namen.
Bizet Highlights from Carmen suites no 1 and 2
Georges Bizet: Auszüge aus den Carmen Suiten
Suite 1: Prélude | Aragonaise | Intermezzo | Les Toréadors
Suite 2: Chanson du Toréador | Chanson Bohème
Intermission - Pause
Bruckner Symphony no 4 "Romantic"
Der Wünschewagen (ASB Wishes Wagon)

Link to Frankfurter Neue Presse:
Ein ganz besonderes Benefizkonzert
The orchestra performs right across Europe...
Past concert locations have included United Kingdom (Belfast-2017; Birmingham-2013; Coventry-2018; Edinburgh-2010; Gateshead/Newcastle-2011/2016/2024; London-2012/2014/2015/2018/2022; Manchester-2019), Switzerland (Bern-2014 and Basel 2024), Czech Republic (Olomouc-2022), France (Nantes-2019/2020/2023), Germany (Bad Nauheim & Wiesbaden-2023; Berlin-2007/2013; Essen-2019), Hungary (Budapest-2006/2016), Italy (Verona-2008), the Netherlands (Rotterdam-2017), Norway (Oslo-2011), Poland (Poznan-2009), Romania (Bucharest-2005) and Slovenia (Ljubljana-2015).
The recording of our June 2022 concert in the Czech Republic at Moravská Filharmonie Olomouc can still be viewed online.
Registered charity number: 1154799
The European Doctors Orchestra aims to promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in the performance and appreciation of music, by the presentation of public concerts and recitals, and to further the work of other charitable organisations involved.